Opus 6 – Paying Attention to Your Intuition: Creativity is a learned skill

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.

~ Erich Fromm ~

Pay attention to your enthusiasm — your intuition is talking to you.

You receive your intuitive information through your awareness, and your feelings.

Spend time accepting, and being aware of what you want.

Trust your self, and pay attention to your enthusiasm, and your intuition by asking  questions.

Remember that developing your intuition – like creativity – is a learned skill.

The secret to paying attention to your intuition is to be bold, to think big, and to pay attention to your enthusiasm.

Paying attention to your intuition takes time — time to listen, and learn to trust your self.

Like your creativity, your intuition is a learned skill that may cause you some distress.

Here are some questions that when answered may give you some direction.

Do you trust yourself?

Is your life all that you want it to be?

Is your life your number one priority?

To take ‘paying attention to your creativity’ — your intuition to the next level you must choose to…

…get out of your comfort zone.

…invest in yourself.

…make a difference.

…take your self seriously.

…use a proactive approach, and ask “what is my purpose in life?”

By being open to trusting your creativity, and your intuition  you are able to change your life into one that is extraordinary, and spectacular.

[December 25, 2008]

Intuition is used here as spirituality, and spirituality is defined as “the quality or state of being spiritual” and is being used in this book as a “connection to something ‘greater’ than oneself.” [Source : Wikipedia.com]

Are you a creative, intuitive, and spiritual being in a physical form? Or are you a physical being searching for your creativity, your intuition, and your spirituality?

You are all of the above.

You are a creative being, an intuitive being, a spiritual being,  and a physical being.

Your aspirations are creative, intuitive, and spiritual; your safety, and comfort are physical.

Your creative aspiration, your intuitive aspiration, your spiritual aspiration is to grow; and your physical aspiration is to keep things as they are.

Knowing what you want to achieve plays a critical part in achieving either aspirations.

Here are some ideas to consider…

Your creativity, your intuition, and your spirituality are aesthetic aspirations, not religious ones.

Your creativity, your intuition, your spirituality are rooted in universal acceptance, and awareness.

Religion has rituals.  Creativity, intuition, and spirituality do not.

Your creativity, your intuition, and your spirituality come to you in different ways at different times.

According to Deepak Chopra, M.D., when you stay in the present moment without fear, and judgment you let go of your self-image, and experience your spirituality, your higher self.

You experience your higher self, your creativity, and your intuition in situations when you feel a level of contentment, and peace.

You experience your higher self, your creativity, and your intuition in all of your activities when you are aware of, and know your perception of the activities, your attitude, and your belief system.

Bottom line…

Get out of your comfort zone by focusing on what really matters to you while asking yourself these questions…

What do I want to achieve, and reach?

What thoughts do I have about my self, and my ability to achieve, and reach what I want?

What feelings do I have about my self that may influence my ability to achieve, and reach what I want?

Do I really want to achieve, and reach what I want?

At the end of the day, your creative intuition makes your heart sing.

[September 1, 2009]

Paying attention to, and tapping into your creative intuition, your inner voice resource — is by setting your intention on what you want, and  goes like this…

Create a quiet environment, free from distractions, and begin to be aware of what you want.  Focus on, and set your intention on what you want help with, what you want to create in your life.

Keep your breathing open, and let your body relax as you begin to be aware of your intention.  Do this as long as you feel comfortable, and continue to do this exercise whenever you want.

The length of time, and frequency is your choice.

Do not force nor expect anything right away. Just become aware of the changes in your life.

So put your creative intuitive intention out there, and see your desires, and goals arrive when they are suppose to arrive.

This exercise works for many, experience this for your self, and notice that creativity, intuition, and you is about having the ability to create; being creative.

By definition, creativity is…

…being aware of ‘outside the box.’

…being imaginative rather than imitative.

…causing something new to happen.

…investing with, and in a new form.

…making, and bringing into existence something new.

…producing, and bringing about by a new course of action, and behavior.

…producing through imaginative skill.

…setting up new opportunities.

By changing the way you look at things — see yourself achieving, and maintaining your peak, and effective creative performance in your daily life.

Looking forward to encouraging, and supporting your self on your creative, intuitive, and spiritual journey.

[April 30, 2010]

Creativity, and intuition

Several clients questioned that since each one of our inner resources is unique — our creativity, and intuition must be too.

Still under consideration is this awareness that even though “there is nothing new under the sun” — everyone’s creativity, and intuition is unique, and therefore is new.

In her article Innovation: The Classic Traps found in the November 2006 issue of Harvard Business Review, Rosabeth Moss Kanter writes “Every few years, it seems, managers rediscover innovation as a revenue-generating, profit-making pursuit. Unfortunately, they often make the same mistakes as their predecessors when executing their innovation efforts.”

In this article she offers ways “…to avoid the pitfalls and create breakthrough products and services for your organization.”

[Currently locating more information to complete the above citation]

When intuition is needed

Ron Schultz, in Unconventional Wisdom, interviewed what he termed “twelve remarkable innovators.” In their own words, they explained how intuition can revolutionize decision-making. Each of these respected executives combined awareness of the proverbial “bottom line” with the not-so-widely-acknowledged veneration of the “top line,” above the eyebrows.

Intuition is most helpful to leaders, and needed…

• when there are insufficient data, or not enough time to gather the data

• when there is too much information, or the data are conflicting

• when data seem to support several options equally

• when decisions have to be made on the spur of the moment, without time for data-gathering

• when a group’s vision has grown cloudy and/or its mission seems inappropriate or obsolete

That’s when all the logic, analysis, and experience in the world are of little help, and when circumstances dictate that legitimate decisions be made, and made now.

True leaders also find intuition of invaluable assistance…

• in determining new, and inspiring visions, and the overall direction of a group or organization

• in recognizing, and employing to the highest effectiveness the abilities of all individuals in that group or organization

Fortunately, the use of this enriching source of deep wisdom doesn’t require the lowering of shades, lighting of candles, gazing at crystal balls or burning of incense.

[December 28, 2010]

This past week has given us many frustrating moments in which we were unable to resolve any of our many issues that presented themselves in our lives.

This gave us the impetus to reflect on the lessons learned in the past from which we (and hopefully you) may gain some solace by choosing fascination over frustration in finding solutions to your frustrating moments.

After all, frustration “…implies making vain or ineffectual all efforts however vigorous or persistent” leaving you feeling helpless, and not knowing what to do in certain situation.

Our colleague Kevin Eikenberry, in an exceptional article on choosing fascination not frustration that is motivational, and inspirational notes that frustration leads to anger, resentment, and regret while fascination leads to improved relationships, results, knowledge, and understanding.

Notice that your state of being has an effect on situations, and the people around you. By being a partner with the difference of other people, and their reactions remember that other people’s reactions will mirror you when you set the mood.

Start by looking at the situation, and the people around you, and then set the mood by telling others how to act around you.

Initiate by being proactive.

Get involved at some level, and remember to use your body, and your mind to maximize your involvement.

Seek to be comforted, and comfort others, and your self. Be remembered for the joy, and love you give to others, and the quality of your life, and love.

And finally, don’t question your partners’ judgments, and suggestions, look rather at, and with whom they are interacting.

After all, what we’re all here about is love, hope, and possibilities — we’re all in this together. The choice is yours!

[September 2, 2011]

Your intuition also known as inspiration comes from within making listening to your body crucial in the process of “paying attention to your intuition.”

By being present in the moment you become aware, and conscious of your breathing. In this state of your awareness, and consciousness your creativity appears, and begins to flourish  Making being present in the moment an important place to be.

You must get out of your head, and into your body for creativity, inspiration, and intuition to appear.

Have you noticed when you focus on your breathing, inspiration appears as you inspire (breathe in), and creativity appears as you expire (breathe out)?

[April 30, 2012]

What has happened to us on our way to being an adult?  Where are our creative, and intuitive, and inspirational abilities?

Years ago, Eda J. LeShan observed that few people are concerned about children learning how to play. She goies on to note that few people are concerned about children learning how to use their abilities creatively, and intuitively; how to develop a sense of self-fulfillment through their curiosity, and their imagination.

This is no longer true today…

Quite to the contrary!   Experts all over the world are concentrating on teaching children to read at three, and to understand computer math etal at 9.

Traditionally creativity, and intuition has been related to tangible products such as art, literary, and musical masterpieces.

Today the concept of creativity, and intuition has been enlarged to include decisions, ideas, problem solving. and relationships.

Traditionally creativity, and intuition has been regarded as a special endowment bestowed on only a chosen few.

Today experts agree that almost everyone has a certain amount of creativity, and intuition.

Studies conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology showed that every one of us is born with a potential for creative activity. And, that this creative potential is not dependent on other mental abilities. Nor an effect of other mental abilities.

[December 31, 2012]

Here are some ideas for your consideration…

…creativity, and intuition is embracing who you are!

…creativity, and intuition is in the decisions you make!

…creativity, and intuition is inspirational, and motivational!

…creativity, and intuition is living present in each moment!

…creativity, and intuition is letting go to move forward!

…creativity, and intuition is your life goal, purpose, and vision!

Accepting your feelings about your creativity, and your intuition takes you further in your life.

Take your creativity, and your intuition to the next level by…

Being appreciative of who you are.

Being grateful of what you know.

Being you.

The choice is yours when you are ready to take the next step!

[August 30, 2013]

Coda, and Takeaway

Have you ever wondered…

…how creativity, and stress are related?

…what happens when you are working on a project,
and you begin feeling distress or eustress?

…what are your stress reactions. and responses?

Stress is needed to be creative, and to live life without distress or eustress!

Stress is okay.

Hans Selye, M.D. writes “Stress is not something to be avoided.” stress is a “response of the body to any demand made upon it.”

Help in becoming aware of your body, and locating both emotional, and physical feelings can be very constructive. Making contact with your self generates enthusiasm about your goals, fosters an acceptance, and appreciation of your self, and makes your actions more diversified. Specifically, being aware of your breath — in particular your exhale — helps you let go of your fear, and procrastination.

The importance for you to become aware, and accept what you are feeling rather than deny what you are feeling becomes obvious in the relationship between creativity, and stress.

Since stress is your body’s biochemical reaction to how you live your life, stress may develop into distress, eustress, and disease through your personal adaptation to external, and internal environment experiences.

When your energy production is higher than your body can discharge, distress or eustress occur. This may result in feelings of agitation, being overwhelmed, and stuck; and feelings of loss of control.

Since each person reacts differently to different causes — known as stressors — the importance to know what causes your distress or eustress, and recognize the symptoms — known as stress indicators — and the cues, and signal they provide becomes obvious.

Some signs, and symptoms of distress or eustress are backaches, fatigue; headaches, insomnia, irritability; low energy, mental illness, physical illness, and physical tension. Since stress is a body response, you only know you are stressed, or more correctly in distress or eustress when your body tells you, that is, when you feel symptoms known as stress indicators.

Stress is good.

When you feel distress or eustress you need to take another look at your lifestyle; the choices, and the decisions you make.

Creativity demands excellence, inspiration, taking ownership, and stress is an integral part of the creative process.

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2 Responses to “Opus 6 – Paying Attention to Your Intuition: Creativity is a learned skill”

  1. Book in Progress by Dr. Rae « Whatmakesyourheartsing’s Weblog Says:

    […] Opus VI – Paying Attention to Your Intuition : Creativity is a learned skill […]

  2. whatmakesyourheartsing Says:

    Hello ayinall… Just found your response to “Opus VI…” while editing today.

    Please forgive the delay in thanking you for stopping by, and liking “Opus VI…”.

    [Since Dr. Rae is still writing “What Makes Your Heart Sing”, she is willing to make changes based on your comments, and suggestions. Is there something that you want covered in more detail? Do you have experiences you want to share? Let us know because we welcome your comments, and suggestions. Thank you! What makes your heart sing? The Baum Group for Dr. Rae]